Join the
We are a completely independent network. We will stand firm in our values no matter the cost. If you’ve somehow landed in this corner of the interwebs then you just might be the audience we intended to reach. If you’ve enjoyed what we’ve produced and you have the means, joining our club will be mutually beneficial and allow us to expand our reach and our platform. Look over the benefits of each tier and select the one that best suits you!
If you’d rather fund us via Bitcoin or Crypto, please email us at jake@peacefulsea.network
There are far too many expensive subscriptions out there. We understand that. We aim to keep ours the cheapest around with a lifetime membership of $1 per month! You'll have access to everything listed below... as well as the satisfaction of helping to fund all of our future projects.
We have big plans to begin a news division, sports division, and begin organizing live events. You are an integral part of our ability to do that. In return, you'll receive all of the DMC benefits as well as those listed below.
This tier was built for almost any person or company that would like to get their name out there. Our shows and podcasts get thousands of eyeballs watching which could be your customers! Sign up for the tier or reach out to us prior and we can discuss. And if you're not looking to actually sponsor, this tier still offers some great perks!
Once we reach enough monthly funding, we plan to launch three new departments in the following order: News & Journalism, Sports, Live Events. You will enable us to do that in a big, big way. You'll receive credit and perks the entire journey and we will be forever grateful for you and your support.